We went to the SASS Convention in Las Vegas, it was fabulous, John got terribly sick Fri-Sat. I had to go to the Ball all by my lonesome. Poor man he was horribly sick, but it seemed to be going around. Then on the way home on Mon. I started getting a head cold. Which is still kind of hanging around weeks later. I have some fabulous pictures here on flickr.
I have to tell you the story about this dress.

Isn’t it gorgeous????? My wonderful friend Gina, gave me this dress!!! Did you hear that people G-A-V-E it to me???? I cried! I was in shock!!!! It is so beautiful & I am soooooo made that I did not get a picture if her & I that day!!!! I hope that someone out there got one! Also the back is fabulous! I will have to try to find a picture of that too.
Here's Gina & I at the Ball.

Then the next weekend we went to the Rio Grande Renegade Christmas Party. John was finally able to wear the vest that I had made him to match my reception dress.

Let see we went to Sue & Fred’s for Christmas day. What a great time we had & oh the food!!!!!
Here is Fred & Sue at the Renegade's party.

I have been working extra hours, oh & John got laid off the day after we got back from Vegas! Another great Merry Christmas employment problem for the Muras. Sigh…. What can you do? He got a couple of things in the works so we are just plugging along.
To leave things on a positive note here are some Thrifty finds. Thrift Town was having a sale on everything the other day & I got some groovy 1975 Stretch & Sew patterns.

I was really excited about this one:

Because I really like the looks of this Garnet Hill skirt.
I think that I should be able to modify it pretty easily to be a non-wrap for a very similar look.
Stay tuned for some Christmas gift picture to come soon.